people like you are the people who let this
country fall... fucking wake up dumb fuck! search cfr conspiracy and other shit!
and people who spell government "gouvernement" dont need to say whether or not
we are in a conspiracy
Why real "terrorists" ( USA elite, CIA) wanted
9/11 terroracts? * to round constitutional rights with antiterrorist laws (
Homeland security, Patriot act, Real id) *invade Iraq for oil *invade
Afganistan for oil and pipelines * big corporation interests in gun trade
and chaos in Iraq and Afganistan. * turn USA in police state ( laws
controlling "terrorists")
terrorist in their thoughts are free US
Real id coming to us! search youtube for "Real ID" and
"Fema concentration camps"
"Operation Northwoods" in 1962 was a plan by
governament to stage acts of real terrorism on US soil and against U.S.
interests and then put the blame of these acts on Cuba in order to generate U.S.
public support for military action against the Cuban government of Fidel
Castro.Kennedy did not approve it in 1962.Bush did in 2001. 9/11 inside
job. It is in wikipedia!!! google "Operation Northwoods"
u guys are totaly crazy, tell me, why all the time
white people think then his gouvernement are doin conspirasy againt his own
contry... and by the way.. c'mon dumb ass is been more than 7 years ago now...
WHO CARES NOW... its done!
William Rodriguez Hero 9/11 said...."Why would the
sprinker activate in the basement from an explosion at the top? 7 SECONDS
explosions, secondary explosions, explosive many more times do we
need to hear these words being said by 9/11 witnesses before we start asking
questions about what really happened on that awful day?
This video shows
that many actual 9/11 witnesses heard and saw explosions going off inside the
towers, long before they actually fell. These witnesses include police, firemen
and mainstream media reporters.
And what is even more shocking is the
fact that all of this has been ignored by the mainstream media.
We really
need to wake up to the facts and ask questions. If we don't, what does that say
about us?